Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rough Draft

            The parts of the world where the people are dirt poor, are lucky to eat every day, and are in constant threats with danger, can be described with one word; a slum. A slum is the part of various cities worldwide where the housings are really close to each other and the inhabitants living there are extremely low class with no sanitary hygiene or and no food readily available. Slums have a negative impact on human populations because it creates overpopulation within cities, a disease-prone enviorment, and ultimately an unsafe living area overall. With all of these factors that pose a serious risk to human populations in cities, there is none more apparent then the overpopulation slums create.
            Slums could negatively affect human population by creating overpopulation in cities. "Over population can cause negative affects on human population such as no enough food and water to supply everyone. Overpopulation can make entire cities not supply all the needs for every person living in it. Because of the crowded slums that surround cities, there would not be enough essentials of life satisfying everyone's needs. The next biggest factor in which slums cause on city populations is that they could increase the rate of diseases tremendously. 
            Slums could negatively affect human population by creating a disease-prone enviorment."There called flying toilets because people do their business in plastic bags and it just flys around in the wind.People who live in slums excrement into plastic bags letting them fly around in the wind. Slum people can easily transport diseases such as tuberculosis and e. coli by excrementing into plastic bags and letting them travel through the wind. The last reason of why slums could endanger the lives of people of populations in slums and nearby cities is because slums could potentially create an unsafe living area for everyone overall.
             Slums could negatively affect people by creating an unsafe enviorment."Violence over water, food, and shelter occurs in the deep parts of slums.Battles between slum people could occur when the essentials of life are non-existent to one group of slum people.Fights between slum people can happen  when water, food or shelter are scarce. This now concludes on how slums could create an unsafe living enviorment for the people that live in the slums and the nearby populations of the cities they are located in.
              Slums are the places where you always imagined dirt poor people would live in. Slums negatively affect human population by creating overpopulation in cities, a disease-prone place to live, and an unsafe living area overall. Slums can cause overpopulation because of the scarce amount of needs to go around in the city. Slums can cause disease-prone enviorments because of how they dispose of wastes. Slums can cause an unsafe living area because of violence that can occur when the essentials of life are fought over. Slums exist all across the world, even at one point in the 1930s the U.S. had slums, what does it take to stop this inhumane way of living and how can it be prevented for the future to come.

Works CIted:

Eaves, Elisabeth. "Two Billion Slum Dwellers -" Two Billion Slum Dwellers., 11 May 2007. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.

"AHI: United States » Kibera: Africa’s Largest Slum." Affordable Housing Institute. 7 July 2005. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Introduction Paragraph

            The parts of the world where the people are dirt poor, are lucky to eat every day, and are in constant threats with danger, can be described with one word; a slum. A slum is the part of various cities worldwide where the housings are really close to each other and the inhabitants living there are extremely low class with no sanitary hygiene or and no food readily available. Slums have a negative impact on human populations because it creates overpopulation within cities, a disease-prone enviorment, and ultimately an unsafe living area overall. With all of these factors that pose a serious risk to human populations in cities, there is none more apparent then the overpopulation slums create.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Essay Outline

 a.Hook- Slums, the regions of every city in the world that are dirt poor.
 b.Introducing Slums- A slum is a close housing area with really poor people living in it.
 c.Thesis- Slums negatively affect human population by creating overpopulation in cities, a disease-prone place to live, and an unsafe living area overall.
 d.Transition- Slums can create over population in cities.
II.Defendable Point 1#
 a.Main Idea- Slums could negatively affect human population by creating overpopulation in cities.
 b.Supporting Evidence
  i.Quote- "Over population can cause negative affects on human population such as no enough food and water to supply everyone.
  ii.Paraphrase- Overpopulation can make entire cities not supply all the needs for every person living in it.
 c.Explanation- Because of the crowded slums that surround cities, there would not be enough essentials of life satisfying everyone's needs.
 d.Transition- Slums can make a disease prone enviorment.
III.Defendable Point 2#
 a.Main Idea- Slums could negatively affect human population by creating a disease-prone enviorment.
 b.Supporting Evidence
  i.Quote- "There called flying toilets because people do their business in plastic bags and it just flys around in the wind.
  ii.Paraphrase- People who live in slums excrement into plastic bags letting them fly around in the wind.
 c.Explanation- Slum people can easily transport diseases such as tuberculosis and e. coli by excrementing into plastic bags and letting them travel through the wind.
 d.Transition- Slums could make an unsafe enviorment.
IV.Defendable Point 3#
 a.Main Idea- Slums could negatively affect people by creating an unsafe enviorment.
 b.Supporting Evidence
  i.Quote- "Violence over water, food, and shelter occurs in the deep parts of slums.
  ii.Paraphrase- Battles between slum people could occur when the essentials of life are non-existent to one group of slum people.
 c.Explanation- Fights between slum people can happen  when water, food or shelter are scarce.
 d.Transition- This concludes how slums could have negative affects on human population.
 a.Hook- Slums are the places where you always imagined dirt poor people would live in.
 b.Thesis- Slums negatively affect human population by creating overpopulation in cities, a disease-prone place to live, and an unsafe living area overall.
 c.Summarize Arguments- Slums can cause overpopulation because of the scarce amount of needs to go around in the city. Slums can cause disease-prone enviorments because of how they dispose of wastes.
Slums can cause an unsafe living area because of violence that can occur when the essentials of life are fought over.
 d.Command To Action- Slums exist all across the world, even at one point in the 1930s the U.S. had slums, what does it take to stop this inhumane way of living and how can it be prevented for the future to come.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thesis Statement

          Slums negatively affect human populations by creating overpopulation within cities, a disease-prone enviorment, and an unsafe living area to the people that live there.